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Over 2,000kms in the Car for School last Week!

How far do you Drive to get your kids to and from School each week ...?

Last week I drove my two youngest daughters approximately 2,040kms return to enable my second youngest daughter Shannai to see her classmates and attend school face to face for the week.

Shannai attends 2 Residential School Weeks for Senior High School each year through her school Northern Territory School of Distance Education (NTSDE) in Darwin. I know how imperative it is for my kids to have the opportunity to meet their classmates and I encourage the development of their social skills as much as possible, so not going to school for the week just wasn't an option!

My youngest daughter Kiralee attends Middle Years Schooling through ASSOA, Alice Springs School of the Air, 730kms from our home at Suplejack. Kiralee has 3 In-School Residential a year so that equivocates to us travelling a minimum of 8,460kms for school functions each year.

This is just one reality of schooling our kids in rural Australia.

(No it didn't take me 20 hours and 2 minutes to get there but the road is so terribly bad, it did take us a good 12 hours to to drive the 1,020kms)

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