H4C Trail Horse Riders
Membership Club
We are excited to offer you the opportunity to join our
trail horse riding club. No matter where you live in Australia
you are invited to join in with the fun!
Horses for Courses for Bush Kids are proud to offer the H4C Trail Horse Riders Group.
H4C Trail Horse Riders connect horse enthusiasts of all abilities and ambitions through trail riding opportunities and adventures with a focus on social, environmental, equine and human health & wellbeing. We provide an opportunity for riders to make new friends and enjoy spending time with their horses, all whilst being out in mother nature, exploring and appreciating our rural and remote backyards.
H4C Trail Horse Riders aim to:
• Organise trail rides, bringing horse riders together from across Australia
• Encourage family participation in non-competitive horse riding
• Foster awareness of the benefits of horse riding for both physically and mental wellbeing
• Encourage horse riders to be aware of and protect, through the preservation of native plants and animals in their area
• Collaborate with other horse-riding clubs to run trail rides in their local areas
• Foster an awareness of safety when trail riding, for both horse and rider
H4C Trail Horse Riders was established during the thick of the Covid19 Pandemic. The inaugural H4C THR trail ride took place along the iconic Todd Riverbed, south of Alice Springs in Central Australia NT. Whilst the world craved social connections, we identified horse riding by its very nature was a physical distancing event, so went ahead putting a covidsafe plan in place and ran our first successful event with over 30 horse riders taking part. During the Covid19 pandemic, Town and Country were aligned by feelings of social isolation because of physical distancing, we maximised on that opportunity of shared experience to connect people from diverse backgrounds, under the Horses for Courses for Bush Kids banner.
Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with our next trail ride!