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Horses for Courses Ride for Bush Kids
The H4C Charity Ride for Bush Kids occurs in The Red Center during October each year. Riders make their way through the spectacular West MacDonnell Ranges, camping under the stars for 5 fantastic nights and finishing up in Alice Springs.
There are always lots of afternoon/evening activities including good ol' fashion hospitality, camp-oven cook ups, campfire sing-alongs, boot-scooting boogie, bush poetry, parks and wildlife talks, night walks, horse husbandry and riding tips and about as much fun as we can muster up along the way.
We’d love to have you join us for a week of wonderful horse riding fun. To have the opportunity to make wonderful new friends and recharge the batteries by getting back to nature through the Majestic West MacDonnell Ranges; aprox 100kms through the Central Australian National Park.
A couple of points for Riders:
Riders must supply their own horse, tack and horse-riding equipment, mixed feed and camping equipment.
Camping, horse feed, etc will be transported each day to the new camp site for riders who are staying for the entire duration of the ride.
We ask that riders have competent level of horse-riding experience and horses are fit for purpose for the week long trek.
All U18's must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult at all times.
Volunteers, sponsors and ride support crew are the angels who make this amazing opportunity possible. If you're interested in joining our amazing volunteer organisation or to learn more, please contact us.
Raising Awareness of the issues facing Aussie Bush Kids and their Families is what we’re all about. We are extending the invite to all horse riders across all disciplines. We invite guests to take the stories from the bush home to share with family and friends.
Raising awareness of what families in rural and remote Australia helps to close the divide between our city and country cousins, and we invite everyone to be a part of the fun!
Please Contact Us for more information or click to Learn More about the 2020 H4C Charity Ride for Bush Kids..
Click here to register to be a Volunteer or Supporter for 2020
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